• Geography

The Republic of Burundi is one of the countries in the Great Lakes region of Africa with   a territory of 27,830 km2. It is bordered by Rwanda to the North, Tanzania to the South and East and Democratic republic of Congo to the West.

The landscape is composed of the lift valley, highlands, plateau and Plaines and Lake Tanganyika.

  • Climate

Bujumbura is generally warm with average annual temperature of 230C (720F) with May to September being extremely hot.

There are four distinguishable seasons with a long wet season from February to May averaging at 130-160cm of rain for a year.

  • Administrative divisions

Burundi has the following eighteen (18) Provinces:

Bujumbura Municipality; Bujumbura; Bubanza; Bururi; Cankuzo; Cibitoke; Gitega; Karusi; Kayanza; Kirundo; Makamba; Muramvya; Muyinga; Mwaro; Ngozi; Rumonge; Rutana, Ruyigi.

The Economic Capital is Bujumbura and Political Capital in Gitega.

  • Demography

Burundi has an estimated population of 11, 890, 784 Million (2020).  A majority of the population is catholic at 60%, protestant at 15% and Muslims at 10%.

  • Language

Kirundi is the National language but other languages such as French Kiswahili are predominant. English is also widely understood.

  • Independence

Burundi gained independence from Belgium on July 1st, 1962 with Prince Louis Rwagasore as the national hero.

  • Country code


  • Time zone

Burundi is one hour behind Kenya, GMT+2

  • Currency

Official currency if Burundi Francs (BIF)

1Ksh = 17 BIF

1USD = 1,960.00 BIF

N.B  The rates keep fluctuating due to inflation and other external factors

  • Membership to regional and International Organizations

 The Republic of Burundi is a state member of the United Nations (UN), African Union (AU), Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), East African Community (EAC), Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries (ECGLC) and International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR).


 Head of State:     H.E President Evariste NDAYISHIMIYE

Vice President:    H.E Prosper BAZOMBANZA

Prime Minister:    H.E Alain Guillaume BUNYONI


 Council of Ministers is appointed by H.E the President.


Burundi has a Bicameral Parliamentary consisting of a National Assembly led by a Speaker, Hon. Daniel Gélase NDABIRABE and a Senate led by a Speaker, Hon. Emmanuel SINZOHAGERA.


The Judiciary is composed of the Supreme court, the Constitutional Court and the High Court of Justice.


 There are 43 major political parties in Burundi. The major parties are:

  • National Council for the Defense of Democracy-Front for the Defense of Democracy: CNDD-FDD which is the Ruling Party.
  • Front for Democracy in Burundi: FRODEBU
  • Unity for National Progress: UPRONA

The following are requirements for one to conduct  a marriage  in Burundi:

  • A letter authorizing the person to get married from his country of Origin, Embassy or Consulate. For Kenyans, one requires a certificate of non-impediment to marriage, which is obtained from the office of the Attorney General, Nairobi.
  • The applicant must appear in person
  • BIF 10.000 to be paid to the Municipality
  • Passport
  • Birth certificates
  • Fees to be paid to the Commune (fee varies from Commune to Commune)

 NB: After submitting the above documents, the person seeking to get married in Burundi will go to the commune where he / she stays and see  the  Commune Administrator who will then provide guidance. After the marriage is celebrated, a document called (attestation d’acte de marriage) will be provided to the newly married couple.

Banking options are: 

  • CRDB (Cooperative Rural Development Bank)
  • BANCOBU (Banque Commerciale du Burundi)
  • BCB (Banque de Crédit de Bujumbura)
  • BBCI (Banque Burundaise pour le Commerce et l’Investissement)

NB: Some International Banks (KCB, DTB, CRDB nad ECOBANK) have branches in the region, and do offer international Banking services to their customers abroad.

However, the traveler is advised to check with his/her bank whether it offers such services to their customers in Burundi.

All the Banks provide International money transfer such as Western Union except BGF which offers Money Gram transfer.

Burundi is recognized as the regional hub and entry point to Eastern DRC and the hinterland of the greater central Africa region. Eastern DRC border towns of Uvira, Bukavu and Goma are easily accessible and they receive most of their supplies from Burundi.

Burundi is a virgin market with immense unexploited opportunities .Possible areas of investment include the following: Agro-processing; Education; Health & Medical; Finance & Banking; Energy; Light Manufacturing, and construction industry.

For more information on Investment opportunities please visit Burundi Investment Promotion Authority (API) @  https://www.investburundi.bi/

Step 1: Before going to the API, gather all the required documents and fees:

• Company Name;
• Minutes of incorporation;
• Identifications;
• Power of attorney if necessary;
• Costs of the Register of Commerce (Note: The Company registration fees is 40.000 FBU)

Step 2: Go to the API One-Stop Shop for the creation of a company

• Welcome by a delegate of the API;
• Complete the information sheet;
• Verification, with the representative of the OBR, of the non-use of the name by another company
• Drafting by the API of the statutes of the chosen company;
• Signature of the statutes;
• Hand over the costs of creating / modifying the company to a GU Agent (fees paid to the Counter of the Commercial Bank Agency within the API).

Step 3: Following documents are submitted at the end of the creation:

  • Articles of Association of the Company;
  •  Register of Commerce;
  •  PIN number (NIF)
  •  Fee payment slip
  • INSS membership card.


Kigobe, Boulevard Mwambutsa
P.O. Box 2090
Telephone no: 22 21 77 78
Opening hours:
Mon to Fri, 8.00am – 12pm :
2 pm – 5pm


General Commission and General Services Commission (+257) 22 28 21 00
Internal Tax & Non-Tax Revenue Commission and Investigations, Information and Risk Management Commission (+257) 22 28 24 00
Customs and Excise Commission (+257) 2 28 23 10
Vehicle Registration Office (+257) 22 28 26 39
E-mail: direction@obr.gov.bi
Web site : obr.bi


Phone. +(257)22222280
Email. info@cfcib.bi.
Location. 01, Avenue Mpotsa Rohero I,
Bujumbura Burundi.


Bujumbura, Burundi, Boulevard du 28 novembre, Mutanga Nord, Imeuble Asharif.
PO Box: 7057 Bujumbura – Burundi
Tel: +257 22 27 59 96/97
E-mail: contact@investburundi.bi
Web site: www.investburundi.bi
Twitter: @api_burundi
Facebook: Burundi Investment Promotion Authority